Shell Be's Cashew Milk

Ever since I started making my own nut milk, I’ve never been able to go back! It’s so easy and so delicious, plus I know exactly what’s in it. BONUS: It literally takes about 5 minutes to have a fresh batch… how can you say no to that?!

My favorite nut milk to make is Cashew milk, not only does it taste like melted ice cream, but you don’t have to strain it so it takes one less step which makes it that much easier!

What you need:

1 cup raw cashews


Himalayan Pink Salt

½ tsp Lucuma **

1 tsp vanilla

What you do:

  1. PREP: soak 1 cup of cashews in filtered water for 4-8 hours (I typically soak them overnight)

  2. After the nuts have soaked, strain the nuts, and toss them into a high-speed blender (I use a Vitamix)

  3. Fill the blender with fresh filtered water about an inch above the nuts. Blend on high until smooth.

  4. Add in 3 pinches pink salt (I use Natierra Himalania Coarse Pink Salt), 3 dashes cinnamon, 1 tsp vanilla extract, ½ tsp Lucuma (or sweetener of choice**). Blend again until mixed. It should be a thick consistency.

  5. Next add filtered water to thin out the milk. The amount of water that is added is up to personal preference. In general, for 1 cup of cashews, it takes about 60-80oz of water. (Use less water if you like it thicker, use more water if you like it thinner)

  6. You can either store in individual jars or one large jar. Bottle however you prefer. Store in the fridge for up to 7 days.


** Other sweetener options include

  • 1 tsp maple syrup

  • 1 Date

  • 1 tsp honey  


Shell Be's Summer Lobster Tails


Shell Be’s Summer Turkey Burgers