I’m currently on my 29th trip around the sun.

I’ve traveled to 6 of the 7 continents… I’ve tasted cuisines & delicacies of all kinds… including fermented Mare’s milk in the Gobi Desert.

I started playing in the kitchen when I was 13. It started with baking treats for the Holidays. Mostly I was just curious what I could create.

I love fruits and veggies. In fact, I was vegetarian once, I lasted 4 years. I even dabbled with eating Vegan… only for a couple of months tho.

I got my BS Degree in Applied Physiology & Enterprise… I’ve always had an interest in Health & Wellness.

I’m one of 4 kiddos, it goes boy girl boy girl… and all of our names start with a B or an S.

I’m pretty sure I got my love for cooking from my momma!

My favorite game to play… What’s in the fridge and what can I make?!

My “day job” is running the Healthcare Technology company I started in 2014.

The kitchen is where I unwind!