Shell Be’s Smooth Morning

Hi Friend, are you interested in learning all about my smoothie process? I love drinking smoothies first thing in the morning to start my day with a punch of delicious, nutrient-rich drink that my body and mind can thrive on! They are delicious, packed with goodness, almost never the same combo and never take more than 5 minutes to throw together. I’m all about streamlining and this process does the trick!

My number 1 Smoothie hack is prepping all the ingredients ahead of time so when you’re in a hurry in the AM you can just toss the ingredients into the blender and have your smoothie ready in no time.

My other Smoothie hack is breaking down the ingredients into categories so you have a go-to recipe that can be mixed and matched week-to-week so you don’t get tired of drinking the same thing every day!

So here’s my strategy…

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1.     Pick 1 (up to as many as you want) of the ingredients from each category below. You’ll end up with at least 8 things you’re throwing into the blender. The combo is foolproof with this technique, so don’t stress you really can’t go wrong with your picks!

GREENS: spinach, broccoli, celery, parsley, cilantro

FRUITS: mango, peach, banana, apple, pineapple, pear  

BERRIES: strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries

CITRUS: lemon, lime, orange, mandarin, grapefruit

ROOTS: beets, ginger, carrots, jicama, turmeric

LIQUIDS: apple cider vinegar, cherry juice, pomegranate juice, coconut water

POWDERS: cinnamon, protein, bee pollen, spirulina, goji berry, maca

SWEETENERS: honey, maple syrup, date syrup, coconut sugar

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 2.     Next you’ll want to clean, chop, and sort your ingredients. The key here is that you will use the whole amount of the quantity of an ingredient that you purchased. For example, if you purchased a bag of spinach, you’ll divvy the spinach up equally into the number of smoothies you’re prepping.

My go-to quantities:

GREENS: spinach (handful), broccoli (3-4 florets), celery (1 stalk), parsley (5 sprigs), cilantro (5 sprigs)

FRUITS: mango (1/4), peach (1/2), banana (1/2), apple (1/2), pineapple (5 chunks), pear (1/2)

BERRIES: strawberries (3-4), blueberries (handful), blackberries (handful), raspberries (handful)

CITRUS: lemon (1 wedge), lime (1 wedge), orange (1/2), mandarin (1/2), grapefruit (1-2 wedges)

ROOTS: beets (1/8), ginger (1 knob), carrots (1), jicama (1/8), turmeric (1 knob)

LIQUIDS: apple cider vinegar (1 tsp), cherry juice (1/8 cup), pomegranate juice (1/8 cup), coconut water (1/2 cup)

POWDERS: cinnamon (dash), protein (1 scoop), bee pollen (1/2 tsp), spirulina (1 tsp), goji berry (1 tsp), maca (1 tsp)

SWEETENERS: honey (spoonful), maple syrup (drizzle), date syrup (drizzle), coconut sugar (pinch)

 NOTE: the more ingredients you pick from each category, the larger a single serving of the smoothie will be.

OPTION: use less of each ingredient per single smoothie, and just prep more baggies at a single time.  

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 3.     Once everything is cleaned and sorted into separate servings, toss the ingredients for each pre-prepped smoothie into storage bags for the week.

NOTE: I don’t add the LIQUID, POWDER, or SWEETENER into my prep bags, I just store the produce in them.

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4.     Store prepped smoothie bags in the fridge or if you prefer to store them in the freezer that works too!



1.     Empty the contents from the prepped smoothie bag into the blender.

OPTION: add in a handful of ice if you prefer your smoothie ICE COLD.


2.     Add in the ingredients you picked from the following categories.

LIQUIDS: apple cider vinegar (1 tsp), cherry juice (1/8 cup), pomegranate juice (1/8 cup), coconut water (1/2 cup) —> for liquids you’ll want to fill the bottom of the blender with about an inch of liquid, you can always add water if you need a little more liquid  

POWDERS: cinnamon (dash), protein (1 scoop), bee pollen (1 tsp), spirulina (1 tsp), goji berry (1 tsp), maca (1 tsp)

SWEETENERS: honey (drizzle), maple syrup (drizzle), date syrup (drizzle), coconut sugar (pinch)

3.     Blend everything on high until blended smooth. Poor into a glass and enjoy!

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Nutty Blondies